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Frequently Asked Questions

Why use Jora Local?

Here are a few reasons why Jora Local is better than alternatives:

1. Save time: No need to write ads, just tell us what you need using our 2 minute wizard. Our system also automatically filters applicants based on criteria you specify such as experience, shift availability, work rights and more.

2. Local first: We focus on finding you local applicants because we know they are more dependable and can help out in a jam

3. All the right info: Our applicant profiles include photos and bios so you can get a sense of the person before getting in touch

4. Easy to use: Jora Local works on your phone, tablet and computer and doesn’t require you to write a detailed ad, or fill in tiresome forms.

How do I sign up?

Simply sign up here to post your first role and in under 2 minutes you’re done. We’ll notify you when you have your first applicants to review.

What information do I need to provide?

Tell us a few details about the job and your business to set up your account. These details help us match you with only the most suitable local applicants. It only takes a few minutes and we don’t share your mobile or email address with anyone (including applicants).

What happens once I’ve listed a role?

You’ll get an email and an SMS with a link when you have your first applicants to review. Applicants can let you know their availability for the next 48 hours for trials and interviews – this is the best time to contact them.  Over the next week we’ll continue to add more people so check back regularly to see the latest list of applicants. The role will be active for 9 days and during this time you can make direct contact with the applicants.

What if I have two or more locations? Can I sign up multiple businesses under one account?

At the moment, each business account needs a unique mobile number to sign up and can only be linked to one street address. We know this makes it difficult if you hire for multiple locations and we are working on a solution. In the meantime, if you have a manager and or business partner you can create other accounts for your other locations. Alternatively, we can a update the location manually so email our team at if you want this done. 

What if I need to hire for another role: e.g. a Manager?

Currently, we do not support supervisor or management roles. If you are looking for someone who is capable of taking on more responsibility you could consider running a role and reviewing applicants with 3 or more years experience. You might find that some have already worked in management positions or have the desired experience to be able to take on that role.

I have another question, how can I contact Jora Local?

 Email our team at Our business hours are Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm AEST. 

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